Mariia Mykhailova

Results 77 issues of Mariia Mykhailova

Currently practice problems are listed in arbitrary way: some fields shown or not are online judge name (in various spellings), problem id in the judge, problem name and difficulty level....


Basic level: - enclose code in ``` tags instead of pre, code etc. - code style: spacing, indentation etc. Intermediate level: - unify the way code reads parameters and reports...


(This issue is the second part of #208) The katas offer a set of programming exercises on quantum computing and reference solutions to them, but we often hear that it...

help wanted

Currently task 1.3 (Validate inputs to QPE) is covered by [two types of tests]( - Q# test `TestAssertIsEigenstate_True` that checks that the solution doesn't throw exceptions on inputs that are...

help wanted
good first issue

Currently all CI build jobs in the Katas CI build use the latest released Microsoft.Quantum.Katas package (the version defined in the .csproj files). E2E builds build the package currently defined...

A follow-up for #416. The remaining work items: - [x] Develop Jupyter Notebook "frontend" for the kata, include it in the list of all katas and the CI build -...

In #640, task 2.2 of the BoundedKnapsack kata couldn't be migrated to Jupyter Notebook. Both `%kata` and `%check_kata` threw exceptions when running with the generic function used in that task:...

Currently executing a cell with `%kata` or `%check_kata` selects the simulator to use in [this code]( - which always uses `CounterSimulator`. This works for now, since all tests are configured...

PhaseEstimation kata has a test that covers Q# code but is written in C# due to the need to catch and process exceptions thrown by the task. When the kata...


The easiest way to do it is to prepare two entangled registers that will yield the necessary distribution. We'd need to focus on coming up with interesting tasks that cover...

help wanted