
Results 20 comments of Till

Same issue with box.com: 4B5J RGOT 2GLQ M27F 2DDB

Hi Rahul. Sure. I have tried to install it with docker. I tried two Operating Systems: Raspberry Pi Os 32Bit (Release date: April 4th 2022 with Docker 20.x) and HypriotOS...

Hey @jacrespo64 did you find the solution for this? I am having the same problem when trying to start gotty from cron at startup!

> on OSX10.15.7 > macFUSE 4.0.5 > SSHFS 2.5.0 > > I use the key in ssh-agent, so the login should be successful, because ssh works > > maybe you...

> macFUSE 4.1.1, released a few days ago, fixed "an issue when mounting a volume that can, in rare cases, result in the file system process crashing". Does this still...

> macFUSE 4.1.1, released a few days ago, fixed "an issue when mounting a volume that can, in rare cases, result in the file system process crashing". Does this still...

Actually the most recent version of MacGap, I think its called MacGap2 allows to hide the menu bar completely. Thats a good fix for me right now!

I just reproduced the issue on my Machine: ``` $ ./brightness 0.85 Failed to connect to AppleLMUController setKeyboardBrightness() error ``` ``` $ neofetch .OMMMMo OS: macOS 10.15.3 19D76 x86_64 OMMM0,...

The best way I could find as a workaround is add `E1` (everything that corresponds to indentation checking according to https://readthedocs.org/projects/pycodestyle/downloads/pdf/stable/) to my config! like this: ``` [pycodestyle] ignore =...

After hours of debugging I found a workaround. Using ngrok version 2: https://dl.equinox.io/ngrok/ngrok/stable/archive