Tim Branyen

Results 67 comments of Tim Branyen

Looks good with the latest parser: ``` tim in ~/git/diffhtml/packages/diffhtml on fix-createstate-between-render (home) cat test.js import { innerHTML, html, Internals } from './index.js'; //import { parse } from '../diffhtml-rust-parser/dist/parser.js'; //Internals.parse...

Looks good with WASM Rust parser as well.

Fixed here: https://github.com/sunwxg/gnome-shell-extension-undecorate/pull/6

I went ahead and published on npm under [email protected]. If you want access as well @jywarren I can add you. @evanw any chance you could add us as collabs to...

I got too eager and accidentally deleted the "main" line in 0.0.1, added that back in 0.0.2. If we can get this merged, I'll open a PR that adjusts the...

@jywarren I was able to get the module working w/ ES/CJS/global so you can do this now: ``` npm install [email protected] ``` ES Modules: ``` js import fx from 'gflx';...

Have you tried using a filter for this? Seems like it might work better than wrapping your properties as objects in the template data.

Although whether or not filters will work as arguments is also a good question. They probably don't :-/

At the moment, you'd have to do this in the business layer. In the future (say version 1.0), I'd expect to see parenthesis added to preserve context. So something like...

IMO Web Components are far from a good developer experience compared to React. I wrote about what I'd change in WC v2 here: https://tbranyen.com/post/web-components-v2-wish-list I see a lot of folks...