Tim Branyen

Results 67 comments of Tim Branyen

This particular method is deprecated: "Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Use fs.stat() or fs.access() instead." But I think we can resolve this in nodegit-promise denodeify method. ``` diff diff --git a/src/node-extensions.js...

Opened a slightly more robust solution in nodegit-promise: https://github.com/nodegit/promise/pull/7

While this triggers the `onEncrypted` event, it does not seem to produce the correct ArrayBuffer value that is required to set the `mediaKeys`. I'll keep iterating on this branch.

I compared the init pssh data with and without mp4box: - Without: 678 - With: 618 Looks like a loss of 60 bytes. --- More notes: - When reading the...

Trying to follow this format, but hitting some roadblocks. Will attempt to get pssh writing done by EOD. ``` var pssh = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x70, 0x73, 0x73,...

Got it working! I had to compare the data using a hex editor since the spec defined a different format. My guess is that this code will need to be...

Is this something we want to land, or would we prefer to go down the ESM path and use a more modern bundler rather than browserify.

I've verified this works locally. Anything we're waiting on for this to merge?

@rbouqueau ha just found out his out this week, I'll send a friendly ping next week for this.

For the particular example you chose isn't the # of elements predetermined? You should never get additions and replacements happening if you were to animate. For instance I used that...