
Results 33 issues of Trent

Reddit user bcgroom mentioned a flag to output just a plain text line separated list of artifact directories. That way it could be passed/manipulated by other programs.


Look into parallelisation options such as [rayon](, [crossbeam](, or even [tokio]( for parallelisation. Much of what `kondo` does is able to be done in parallel.


Add flag to only clean projects last mofied more than X days/weeks

Currently suckit will save pages even if they are indicated as not found by the webserver. I think this is erroneous behaviour. Eg this page on my site that 404s...

help wanted

Hi, I'm hitting a linker error trying to compile for linux from mac (m1/arm if that's important). I can test different things if you have ideas but not sure where...


When calling `logPrediction` using the nodejs library, I passed the option parameter in with `computeFeatureContributions: true`, however I forgot to add `threshold` too. When I ran the code I got...

ran monocle, got ``` monocle -c index.html -j js -b main.6b90ebb85e95149b7fca.js Starting to strip comments from bundle file... Took 1.104 seconds to strip comments input bundle file /usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-monocle/src/previewParser.js:162 .reduce((prev, curr)...

Currently neither the readme nor pony-stable provide/explain a way to initialise a project. I had to look at other repos and projects in pony to find how to structure the...

Perhaps I'm going something wrong, I build rust-ws fine but when I ran cargo test it failed. Got this output using gcc v 4.9.1 Thanks! looking forward to using/contributing...