Paveł Tyślacki

Results 10 comments of Paveł Tyślacki

@cayetanobv , thanks for reply. How can I figure out what tags use `osm2pgrouting`? I find tags usage in next places, but not sure that it all: - -...

Thanks for reporting, pretty interesting case, I like idea to rewrite sql to do table dropping more safe (don't lock 2 tables for long time) - in case if no...

There are 2 states: 1. django migration state - representation of db state in django that can be translated to db real state 2. postgres real state, there are really...

find more performant and supporting `user`, `uid`, `version`, `timestamp`, `changeset` attributes

Hi, unfortunately I don't familiar with ionic. A few ideas, that should works in general (not related to framework you choose): - static files as html/js/css/sprites should have no issues...

![image]( Hey, do you see anything in storages? What example you use? PS. to be honest this repo mostly demo and can be out of dated.

Same issue for me with ` belarus`call, look like some triggers issue there: ``` openmaptiles=# select count(*) from osm_poi_point WHERE station = 'subway' AND subclass = 'station'; count ------- 0...

My resent investigation give next highlights: `update_tags` slow, that reasoned by `get_basic_names` slowness, that reasoned by `get_latin_name` slowness, that reasoned by `osml10n_get_name_without_brackets_from_tags` slowness, `osml10n_get_name_without_brackets_from_tags` defined in `osml10n` extension.

yeah, find that `osml10n_get_country` super slow there as it have issue with index usage: ``` # EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, VERBOSE, COSTS,BUFFERS, TIMING) select (SELECT country_code from country_osm_grid g where st_contains(g.geometry, st_centroid(st_transform(p.geometry,4326)))...

add temp changes to makefile decrease run of `import-sql` from hours to 10 min for ` belarus`: ```.PHONY: import-sql import-sql: all start-db-nowait $(DOCKER_COMPOSE) run $(DC_OPTS) openmaptiles-tools -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -P...