Tony Hung
Tony Hung
You could also use Git LFS in order to commit the model files.
any updates on this?
add `--group_labels=0 ` as an argument when calling also, this only support binary classification(0,1)
I had a similar problem, my original labels were [1,4]. Converting the labels to be [0,1] fixed this issue for me.
its an issue inside BertClassificationPredictor. Looks like it has something to do with the model_path param.
Thanks for pointing this out, we'll get this fixed asap
@carlok its fixed
j had the same issue. using the flickr8k seems to work
I had the same issue. switching to python 3.11 works for me
@JJJJJJJerk has the right idea. by getting access to the NYAlertAction's backgroundViewVerticalCenteringConstraint, you can move up the textField to a certain extent. `let alert:NYAlertViewController = NYAlertViewController(nibName: nil, bundle: nil) alert.title...