Janus is working, I can see the view from my camera in the janus demo (streaming) for the cameras I have enabled in Zoneminder - but it is not working...
Yes, all janus logs are fine - I can see that I get correct responses. But I get teh zoneminder error posted above. I'm currently on a limited access -...
janus_path in ZM is: (I run influx on 8088, so I changed the port to 8087) janus.jcfg: ```general: { configs_folder = "/opt/janus/etc/janus" # Configuration files folder plugins_folder = "/opt/janus/lib/janus/plugins"...
janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg: ```general: { admin_key = "ADMIN_DISABLED" # If set, mountpoints can be created via API secret="JanusDebug" }```
janu.transport.http.jcfg: ```general: { json = "indented" base_path = "/janus" http = true port = 8087 ip = "" https = false } admin: { admin_base_path = "/admin" admin_http = false...
Tried adding the option - makes no difference, still no video. I made a new fresh janus.log. started janus, gave it a few seconds to settle, then tried the live...
Video works fine in janus demo: https://i.imgur.com/LqMEZ5O.png
Yes, manually used libsrtp2.2. When using the demo I also get a 401 followed by a 200
> Oh! @tb205gti you compiled Janus from source? As of [meetecho/janus-gateway@4110eea] Ahh yes, I'm running bc8cc9c3f64f07fb73da21d034b6748a6b8165c4 - I'll try to downgrade
I'm a retard :) I was using htop - so if I sort by process, I only get one zmc process per camera. however - I still have massive high...