
Results 21 comments of Taylor

Thanks for reporting this and testing on other browsers. I'll take a look into it now.

I was able to reproduce this by increasing the scaling factor from 100% to 125% on my Windows computer. I'm going to go ahead and assume that is the problem...

Congrats on the new job! I'll implement it and see if the build/traversal times are worth it, compared to the existing methods.

I opened #261 and have started implementing some things in C++, such as an [Erosion Library](https://github.com/tay10r/TinyErode). There's also [FastNoiseLite](https://github.com/Auburn/FastNoiseLite) which may be handy.

@hollasch This was my issue from a previous account. I wasn't proposing to tell readers that a pixel is a square, just offering a more simpler and commonly used expression...

@trevordblack Thanks for the suggestion! This: ```cpp float u = floor((x + 0.5f) / width); float v = floor((y + 0.5f) / height); ``` Is not right because it will...

So I haven't yet tried deactivating direct rendering, but I did just disable CUDA and it seemed to fix the issue.

@szellmann Thanks for the update! No rush on the patch, the rest of the library works just fine.

I believe the proper way is like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/69982525/94211202-66b66380-fe96-11ea-8cd6-4ee49aa7f5e3.png)

> When building tinyalsa, it's unclear where libsndcardparser.so can be found and what it is for. Some (limited) info can be found at #136 and #137. I can't remember where...