@yysijie hello, thank you very much for your kind reply! I have tried the method you proposed,but the accurary is still small. I wondor if it is the limit of...
@yysijie ,thank you for your kind reply! i have used the PKUMMD dataset to test your 3d ntu-crossview pretained model,and the accuracy is only 3.52% for top1, i wonder what...
@fmthoker ,yes, I have trained st-gcn on PKUMMD dataset
@ml930310 @wwwpbai ,I generate train_json file and val_json file by openpose
@i2isaalien,it needs two step to get the train_json
i have the same question
@lileilai ,@jackwish , i have tried ,TensorRT 8.4 EA not work!