
Results 80 comments of Will

New update looks great! Yep I'm glad this is GDscript as it keeps things simple, maybe a C# port would work well since Godot natively supports it for crossplatform delivery....

I've been using [doom-emacs](https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs) which comes with a layer in `packages.el` massively simplifying this process. I think [spacemacs](https://www.spacemacs.org/) should also have a layer. If you are new to emacs, then...

If your problem is only the python2 rather than the python 3 then you could follow this tutorial: https://stackoverflow.com/a/38806058

Hmm, that's a bit weird as it should be working in that case: ```bash ❯ echo $PATH /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /Library/TeX/texbin # Export to pdf from org mode...

[Relevant lines](https://github.com/dzop/emacs-jupyter/blob/403c70c83cb3754c83da0932b0efaf5e72bdca9a/jupyter-env.el#L72) in `emacs-jupyter` where python is located. Seems like it references `jupyter --paths`, perhaps you can show the output of that?

I'm not sure of the exact specifics behind getting `emacs-jupyter` to use a specific python version but as [Python2 is now dead](https://pythonclock.org/) I would suggest simply changing your systemwide `python`...

@akirakyle thank you for posting this! I'm running into the same issue myself. For now I'm thinking about doing something like write to a file and suppress that output: ```org...

[A solution to this issue](https://github.com/dzop/emacs-jupyter/issues/237) would probably make this much better.

Yep, for me it's also accidental cases where appears. What I've found to help quite a bit is to never deal with the raw data (line data), but rather process...

Hi Dima, Glad to help, your interface is exactly what I was looking for. I'm running machine learning on a linux server, with only console access, and I'm using your...