Results 17 comments of D L

Yes good idea - this may allow discover of more submissions - need to work out the best way to display them.

Basic commit added for now, still more logs to examine and optionally allow to add to discovery.

I'm getting a related, but different problem when I'm calling a method that returns a Java String BluetoothGattCharacteristic.getStringValue(). This is trying to convert it to a UTF-8 string, when the...

Nikto takes this from the response to both: `OPTIONS / HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS * HTTP/1.1` So it looks like Apache is closing down the method, but still reporting it on OPTIONS....

I'm not certain we should be checking for missing headers on OPTIONS - as most of the security headers won't do much of anything on an OPTIONS request. So two...

I've notice some problems with SSL and perl on Windows, but not on Linux. Could you try it with "-D d" instead of "-D v" as that will dump the...

Here's the problem, this bugger: `error:141A318A:SSL routines:tls_process_ske_dhe:dh key too small` Basically the Diffie-Hellman key on the server is

I think the two problems aren't related. I think @dsolstad's problem is the version of openssl and the server being scanned. We need more information from @ms08067.

Just a couple of things * try specifying http://target.com * try specifying -nossl IIRC the is the site up thingy tests ssl first unless it's specified explicitly using one of...

We do seem to like procrastinating about releasing a new version :-)