SwipeTransition icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwipeTransition copied to clipboard

Allows trendy transitions using swipe gesture such as "swipe back anywhere".

Results 17 SwipeTransition issues
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I tried to disable the swipe to back feature, but i can still swipe it back any idea? trying on iOS 15.4

I could see there were some commits w.r.t to swift. but 0.4.3 still points swift 4.2. so any update on the swift 5?

Hi, I am using swipe transition But I realize the animation of navigation title do not run from left to right like normal. It only animator alpha. Can I change...

I have UISlider and if user slightly miss it then swipe transition is fired, can I block swipe transition in some container view of UISlider?

This doesn't work perfectly - it looks like the Automation target has an error when running `swift build`. It works for the SwipeTransition framework though, and has made it so...

Sorry if I'm asking a dumb question, as I'm a beginner developer. My code was working well before, but After I updated my XCode to 12, it fails to build...

How would you use this with Swift UI Navigation?

Are there any way to set edge size for swipeToDismiss swipe reaction? For example for swipe from left to right i want to dismiss only when swipe begins from left...

The UIWebView is being used in one place. SwipeToDismissController.swift file line no 110. I am receiving the UIWebView deprecation warning whenever i upload a build. Is there a possibility that...