
Results 15 comments of tattivitorino

@joewoodhouse you totally saved me on this! I forgot about changes happening outside angular and that we needed to wrap them in a timeout or a scope.apply! thank you sooooooo...

I am having the same issue with an expo ejected app. 10% of the time I have the devtools working for both ios and android! I must be missing something...

@rgomezp here's how I sorted for my expo ejected app yarn add redux-devtools-cli remote-redux-devtools "redux-devtools": "redux-devtools --hostname= --port=1024" in scripts attr where hostname is your computer IP and choose whatever...

please merge this fix... i've seen so many people having this problem including me

Similar issue here.. I have a map underneath my draggable view and after the first drag the view does not respond to the drag anymore and the event is passed...

well here we are.. i'm having the 504 error on recaptcha load.. but only in production.. I'm running a pwa with Ionic hosted in firebase.. it works great locally though....

having the same problem with angular.. after all this time.. :(((( i'm running a pwa ``` Ionic CLI : 6.12.3 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.1.15 @angular-devkit/build-angular : 14.1.0 @angular-devkit/schematics...

[updating] - it seems like this did the trick.. but why should i wait after view init? autofocus on the input does nothing ``` ngAfterViewInit(): void { setTimeout(() => {...

I'm still facing the same issue.. tried all the suggestions above and nothing.. I'm testing on a real device, Samsung Galaxy A5 2016, Android 7.0. "dependencies": { "expo": "^32.0.0", "native-base":...

I'm having the same issue! I'm using redux-form and nativebase inputs! tried with plain RN TextInput but no luck! When I try the nativebase input by itself it does not...