
Results 12 issues of tatoosh

Is it possible to change the CSS Layout from the editor? Thx

Is there a solution to control music Volumen by command line ?

It would be nice to start a Playlist by parsing the Spotify ID by Argument.

**Context** currently the image export goes to subfolder `image\image.png` **Solution** it would be nice to set the export folder like other tools to subfolder `assets\\.png`

I need a function to group a column by drag and drop. Is there a possibility for it?

I did the custom setting with http protocol, not https: > "openInGitHub.gitHubDomain": "http://gitlab.ymdomain.de" Open in github opens the url with https - how to solve this? Thx

U described the feature only for ATOM here: https://shd101wyy.github.io/markdown-preview-enhanced/#/image-helper Will u add this to VS Code Extension?

Can you add a search input ?

I got an install error on my windows 10 machine - can someone please help me ? > C:\Windows\system32>choco install pandocpdf > Chocolatey v0.10.5 > Installing the following packages: >...

Hello, is there a way to volume control from a bash script like curl with port 4000? Maybe you have a snippet for me to increase or decrease volume!? Thx