Tate Johnson

Results 10 comments of Tate Johnson

@ahorek Thanks a tonne for this patch! I ran into a problem where Mail wouldn't recognise `.eml` attachments. Before applying your patch. ``` ruby mail.attachments["foo.eml"] = {mime_type: "message/rfc822", content: "..."}...

We should also make the login window come to the foreground when launching the app.

I'm noticing this more consistently in El Capitan after each binary update. The widget doesn't seem to respond to user interaction.

An alternative approach would be to setup a [log drain](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/log-drains) for your app that parses [runtime-metric](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/log-runtime-metrics) logs and forwards them to Datadog.

If you're using the standard or premium tiers of Postgres and Redis you should see log entries for these addons in your app logs. I am not sure about Kafka,...

I actually [open sourced an implementation of this idea last week](https://github.com/fivegoodfriends/heroku_drain_datadog) in Ruby. It uses this very buildpack, so thanks!

@imochurad Heroku have a pretty [good article on how Log Drains work](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/log-drains).

Hey, Thanks for the feedback. I had not thought of this use case before. At the time each column's preprocessor is evaluated, all of the columns are known, but not...

I’ve never used CocoaPods before so I wouldn’t be the right person to do this. If you gave me a spec I’d be happy to merge it in. > On...