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Too many frames created

Open sagotch opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

https://github.com/tategakibunko/jingoo/commit/f0432b5cc10cc32fdd9916c77a897130fd58ea7c introduce a lot of new frames, when previous behavior only added values to current scope.

I do not know if a proper fix exists (or if it is needed), but we could imagine this

diff --git a/src/jg_interp.ml b/src/jg_interp.ml
index 6849b7f..5b03fdb 100755
--- a/src/jg_interp.ml
+++ b/src/jg_interp.ml
@@ -162,6 +162,14 @@ and eval_statement env ctx = function
   | ExpandStatement(expr) ->
     jg_output ctx (value_of_expr env ctx expr) ~autoescape:env.autoescape ~safe:(is_safe_expr expr)
+  | SetStatement(SetExpr([IdentExpr ident]), expr) ->
+    { ctx with frame_stack = match ctx.frame_stack with
+          | hd :: tl ->
+            let expr = value_of_expr env ctx expr in
+            (fun s -> if s = ident then expr else hd s) :: tl
+          | [] -> assert false
+    }
   | SetStatement(SetExpr(ident_list), expr) ->
     jg_frame_table ctx (fun table ->
       jg_bind_names table (ident_names_of ident_list) (value_of_expr env ctx expr)

I only wrote this example for a single value, but in case of multiple definitions ({% set a,b,c = %}) I think that building an associative list and using

fun s -> match List.assoc_opt s list with Some v -> v | None -> hd s

would be better than pushing a new Hashtbl.t. In real life, the list will never be long enough so Hashtbl.t would be better than a simple list.

sagotch avatar Apr 22 '21 14:04 sagotch

I'm not sure if I'm understanding you completely, but are you arguing that Hashtbl.t is excessive for binding a mere few variables?

I certainly agree that jg_frame_table adds a Hashtbl.t of size 10 to every call, and is probably wasteful in many cases.

I also don't particularly care if the contents of jg_frame_table are implemented in an assoc list.

tategakibunko avatar Apr 23 '21 00:04 tategakibunko

I think it's a good idea if SetStatement binds only one variable, then just push one closure instead of Hashtbl.t(size 10).

tategakibunko avatar Apr 23 '21 00:04 tategakibunko

Ahh, ok, in our old code base, we just added values to current frame in SetStatement, but in new code base, we create new frame...

tategakibunko avatar Apr 23 '21 01:04 tategakibunko

Anyway, side effect is required, we may need to pass list ref to callbacks of jg_frame_table.

 let jg_frame_table ctx f =
-  let table = (Hashtbl.create 10) in
+  let table = ref [] in
   f table;
-  jg_push_frame ctx (Hashtbl.find table)
+  jg_push_frame ctx (fun name -> List.assoc name !table)

 let jg_set_value table name value =
-  Hashtbl.add table name value
+  table := (name, value) :: !table

tategakibunko avatar Apr 23 '21 03:04 tategakibunko

Just a side note, while I was re-reading issues, I saw that you talked about a Hashtbl.t of size 10

With current implementation, it can not exists. Hashtbl.t always have a power of two size, and the minimum is 16.


sagotch avatar Oct 07 '21 07:10 sagotch