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OCaml template engine almost compatible with jinja2
About jingoo
Jingoo is OCaml template engine almost compatible with Jinja2(python template engine).
sudo make install
opam install jingoo
Difference between Jinja2 and Jingoo
- i18n features are not supported yet.
- Cause of language difference between ocaml and python, some of built-in filters are different from original one, especially orders of arguments and supported optional arguments etc.
- Single line comment is not supported. Because single '#' is used very much especially in html.
Simple usage
open Jingoo
(* output from direct string template *)
let result = Jg_template.from_string "{{ msg }}" ~models:[("msg", Jg_types.Tstr "hello, world!")]
(* or output from file template *)
let result2 = Jg_template.from_file "hello.jingoo" ~models:[("msg", Jg_types.Tstr "hello, world!")]
(* or you can use functional model like this by using Jg_template2 module(ver >= 1.4.0) *)
let result3 = Jg_template2.from_string "{{ msg }}(random value = {{ randam_int }})" ~models:(function
| "msg" -> Jg_types.Tstr "hello, world!"
| "randam_int" -> Jg_types.Tint (Random.int 100)
| _ -> Jg_types.Tnull
(* or you can use closure for models by using Jg_template2 module(ver >= 1.4.0) *)
let hash = Hashtbl.create 10 in
let () = Hashtbl.add hash "msg" (Jg_types.Tstr "hello, world!") in
let result4 = Jg_template2.from_string "{{ msg }}" ~models:(fun key ->
try Hashtbl.find hash key with Not_found -> Tnull
More detailed example
template code
{# sample.jingoo #}
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
{% for user in users %}
<li><a href="{{ user.url }}">{{ user.name }}(age = {{ user.age }})</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% if is_debug %}
<p>this is debug mode!</p>
{% endif %}
ocaml code
open Jingoo
let result = Jg_template.from_file "sample.jingoo" ~models:[
("title", Jg_types.Tstr "more detailed example");
("is_debug", Jg_types.Tbool true);
("users", Jg_types.Tlist [
Jg_types.Tobj [
("name", Jg_types.Tstr "taro");
("url", Jg_types.Tstr "https://example.com");
("age", Jg_types.Tint 20);
Jg_types.Tobj [
("name", Jg_types.Tstr "jiro");
("url", Jg_types.Tstr "https://example2.com");
("age", Jg_types.Tint 10);
Custom filter example
Set your custom filter to filters
field of environment.
open Jingoo
let to_mail ?(kwargs=[]) ?(defaults=[]) value =
let id = Jg_runtime.string_of_tvalue value in
let domain = Jg_runtime.string_of_tvalue (Jg_runtime.jg_get_kvalue "domain" kwargs ~defaults) in
Jg_types.Tstr (id ^ "@" ^ domain)
let () =
let result = Jg_template.from_string "{{id | to_mail(domain='gmail.com')}}"
(* set your extension to 'filters' field of environment *)
~env:{Jg_types.std_env with
filters = [
(* CAUTION!: if jingoo <= 1.2.21, use 'Jg_runtime.func_arg1' instead of 'Jg_types.func_arg1_kw' *)
("to_mail", Jg_types.func_arg1_kw (to_mail ~defaults:[
("domain", Jg_types.Tstr "gmail.com");
("id", Jg_types.Tstr "foo")
] in
(* should output '[email protected]' *)
print_endline result
Dynlink filter example
- Write your own filter(
for example) and add it byJg_stub.add
(namespace asmy_ext
and func_name asto_md5
for example).
open Jingoo
let to_md5 ?(kwargs=[]) ?(defaults=[]) value =
let seed = Jg_runtime.jg_get_kvalue "seed" kwargs ~defaults in
match value, seed with
| Jg_types.Tstr str, Jg_types.Tstr seed ->
Jg_types.Tstr (Digest.to_hex (Digest.string (str ^ seed)))
| _ -> Jg_types.Tnull
let () =
(* CAUTION!: if jingoo <= 1.2.21, use 'Jg_runtime.func_arg1' instead of 'Jg_types.func_arg1_kw' *)
Jg_stub.add_func ~namespace:"my_ext" ~func_name:"to_md5" (Jg_types.func_arg1_kw (to_md5 ~defaults:[
("seed", Jg_types.Tstr "");
- Compile it to
ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -o my_ext.cmxs my_ext.ml
- Set
field of environment, and you can use your custom filtermy_ext.to_md5
open Jingoo
let result = Jg_template.from_string "{{msg | my_ext.to_md5(seed='aaa')}}"
(* set your extension to 'extensions' field *)
~env:{Jg_types.std_env with
extensions = [
("msg", Jg_types.Tstr "foo");
] in
(* should output '3cb988a734183289506ab7738261c827' *)
print_endline result
See samples directory.
is template example and *.expected
is expected string.
MIT License