Rubén Romero Díaz

Results 16 comments of Rubén Romero Díaz

This works, try to establish the state of the reducer after adding the reducer? ` .withReducer(reducer) .withState(state) ` @jfairbank

I have updated the xcode version and the node version has been updated, it is not very intuitive

Hello @johnkiely1 , If I use the workaround **skip_upload_apk**. everything works fine. In the fastlane lane I only do this with your plugin and I have the result commented, thanks...

I have a modal component that does not use the react native modal it is simply a react component and always the first time it does not work in Android...

This my example tag appears in the console log but then it doesn't focus, it's magic haha with two calls to the focus method it works for me ``` useEffect(()...

Hello, Test with jest render app, it's not work, I've tried to mock him and I have not been able. ![Captura de pantalla 2020-03-06 a las 13 18 27]( Thanks

i have some problem in Android not firing event, v1.3.3 react-native-localize, in debug mode work, in release mode not work, Android 10

Now i added android:configChanges=”keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize|layoutDirection|locale” this and it works better but it still fails sometimes

@janpio mongodb 4.2 is already supported and they are on their way to support mongo 5.0