
Results 31 comments of tasogare3710

@remkop `opens yourpackage` says that `yourpackage` allows reflection for all other modules. We need to do is to give `yourpackage` proper list of allowed reflection. > The below syntax results...

In short, have to find ResourceBundle from picotest module, but `@Command` does not support JPMS, so finding for ResourceBundle from module self([email protected]) belong to. - It caused `ResourceBundle#getBundleImpl(Module,Module,String,Locale,Control)` cannot find...

It is because the caller of method is incorrect; there is a issue with the codebase that calls getBundle.

This is not my analysis but module mechanism. java8 and unconditionally open module do not protect a resource from this case. the MissingResourceException is caused by a security check failure...

There also seems to be some misunderstanding about reflection: ResourceBundle uses reflection, and JLS also describes it as follows https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se9/html/jls-7.html#jls-7.7.2 > It also grants reflective access to all types in...

@dudochkin-victor It's a little confusing, but nvg is under the MIT license. https://github.com/sunli829/nvg/blob/14997a9149edd2b1ee86a7214a149a1055160b2c/Cargo.toml#L8 > I have my own vision of a general purpose 3D library, so I developed ux-dx, which...

>But UX-DX has MPL license. >How do you feel about the fact that your code will be under the MPL license? I'm not a lawyer, but... The MPL is distinctly...

In any case, only SDL_SysWMinfo.{x11, wl} is bound. https://docs.rs/sdl2-sys/latest/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/sdl2_sys/union.SDL_SysWMinfo__bindgen_ty_1.html https://docs.rs/sdl2-sys/latest/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/src/sdl2_sys/opt/rustwide/target/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/debug/build/sdl2-sys-0ce64f9730a30f98/out/sdl_bindings.rs.html#37378-37383

If not vulkan compatible, `InstanceError { message: "missing Vulkan entry points", .. }` should be returned. Could it be a bug in the driver you are using?(Or related [this](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu/discussions/3890)?) No...