Results 29 comments of Dario Seminara

I just checked the project code after several years, you should follow the structure of the examples (examples folder), The use you are giving to shikashi in your sample code...

Thanks for the report,. Line numbers reported on exception backtrace is an issue hard to fix, Maybe I should add it to the list of known issues on the README...

There is no hotfix or easy way to implement this feature, I would try to find a way to preserve the file line information when parsing using RubyParser, and if...

There is a hope, but the solution will requiere complete redesign of ruby emulator (partialruby gem) to use the YARV parser instead of RubyParser (YARV parser keeps line number information),...

You cannot translate YARV to Ruby s-exp, the only way to do this is reimplement evalhook filters to handle YARV code instead of Ruby sexp, and allow partialruby to emulate...

There is no need to convert to YARV to implement this feature, since RubyParser comes with line tracking, we can use the info from it ``` ruby tree =

For the moment this is the best we can get, if the line numbers reported by RubyParser are wrong, we could fork RubyParser to fix any issue about line numbers...

Yes, The feature of compositing you are talking about, can be achieved by using the alpha channel? (example: Can you give me more details about you are meaning by...

Good, as example, in order to do that using the **current** implementation of imageruby, you need to install imageruby-devil to allow read and save on many image formats (including jpg),...