Hello, your work is great! I encountered some issues during the installation process of the environment. I am running commands `conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath`...
I don't know if there is a way to solve this problem? After starting SIBR_viewers on Ubuntu 20, a reminder appears: ``` Error Using Interop This application tries to use...
Has anyone encountered the same situation? After installing SIBR_viewers on Ubuntu 20, I encountered the following error when running it: `(gaussian_splatting) czy@amax:~/my_study_2024/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers$ /home/czy/my_study_2024/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianViewer_app -m /home/czy/my_study_2024/gaussian-splatting_data/data/ggbond/output [SIBR] -- INFOS --: Initialization...
Amazing work! Who can help me? Generating sky mask is error. ``` (street-gaussian) czy@amax:~/my_study_2024/street_gaussians$ python script/waymo/generate_sky_mask.py --datadir /data/czy/streetgaussians_example_data/waymo/002 --sam_checkpoint /data/czy/streetgaussians_example_data/waymo/weights/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth Load Grounding DINO model Traceback (most recent call last): File...
ChatGPT Hello, thank you for your excellent work! I encountered an issue while running my code. Have you encountered similar problems before? ` (S3Gaussian) czy@amax:~/3DGS/S3Gaussian$ python train.py -s /home/czy/3DGS/S3Gaussian/data/waymo/processed/training/114 --expname...