For .net core it's possible to configure code coverage testing using instructions like this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/testing/unit-testing-code-coverage?tabs=windows For Visual studio itself code coverage is configured via .runsettings file: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/test/customizing-code-coverage-analysis?view=vs-2022#sample-runsettings-file (1) I don't...
Based on PELoader project - I've created by own https://github.com/tapika/dllloader dll loader. Was using same approach as PE Loader, only together with minhooks library. Maybe could be added as reference...
Just wondering whether it makes sense to recombine something from here: https://github.com/tapika/swupd/blob/master/docs/testing.md Into approval tests and vice-versa. I see approval tests is somehow earlier version of verifying log testing, but...
Normally when you want to perform unit testing - instead of using normal implementation - you use `new Mock` object instead. `SimpleContainer` operates on real implementations obtained from real assembies,...
Following API's ``` IoC.GetInstance IoC.GetAllInstances IoC.BuildUp ``` are by default global statics. Meanwhile - I would like to use multitasking for UI testing if and when it's possible. Would it...
``` var patches = repo0.Diff.Compare(commit1?.Tree, commit2.Tree, Enumerable.Repeat(change.Path, 1), compareOptions: compareOptions); ``` Getting patches + applying them to file does not seems to work if there are unicode characters in file...
By default when you pick up commits using function like this: `repo.Commits.ToArray()` Commits are organized by date time - and if it happens to be the same for two commits,...
`Commands.Stage & repo.Commit` does not preserve LFS files at all, even if LFS is enabled. Also if you try to read from git history using API like: ``` Blob blob...
This concerns to xunit v2 branch unit test. `src\xunit.runner.visualstudio\VsTestRunner.cs` gets dll's using `*.dll`. ``` foreach (var dllFile in Directory.GetFiles(runnerPath, "*.dll").Select(f => Path.Combine(runnerPath, f))) ``` and for example with one application,...
Added initial cmake, for now just builds existing library. I will try to add c++/clr support and C# support later on, that's why want to go with cmake. This is...