Tavish Pegram
Tavish Pegram
Wanted to bump this as I'm seeing the same issue! Are there some aws permissions I am missing? My cli user has the AdministratorAccess policy so I'm not sure what...
I was able to find a workaround for this by giving the `site`’s `serverless.yml` a `bucketName` with a `.` in it, since this forces it to skip acceleration. It appears...
Thanks for the response! `JAVA_OPTIONS` - nothing set for me JDK - I am using coretto which I manage through sdk man. In a bit I can experiment with temurin....
I do see this error when the lsp server starts though i don't really know what it means and some light googling didn't help.
Yeah I'm not really sure what's going on with this and it makes me sad :( I just tried making the heap size like -Xmx12G with some env vars (i...
Is there a way in emacs / spacemacs to pass the jvm args directly to LSP? it feels weird to be using these big gross env vars. And are there...
> @tapegram , did you try the way of setting an environment variable directly inside of Emacs? If so, did anything improve or did you get the same results? 🙂...
Just wanted to +1 this since it came up in discord (when discussing dev live-reloading for web apps) edit: I would probably use this to do `io> deployDev` where dev...