Tao Luo
Tao Luo
most math formulas works fine, but some of them,starting with "\", can't be rendered. for example, \(\mathrm{d}(C-\Delta S) = 0.5\Gamma \mathrm{d}S^2\) OR \[\Gamma := \frac{\partial^2{V}}{\partial{S^2}} = \frac{\partial{\Delta}}{\partial{S}}\]
### Environment data VS Code version: 1.18.1 Jupyter Extension version: 1.1.4 OS and version: mac osx ### Actual behavior result pane shows the following ``` [] Unknown Mime Type ```...
this question was originally posted on zipline's google group: There are some posts on quantopian.com introducing pipeline under the online Algorithm environment, while I am wondering how to modify the...
Hi, I want to scale the hadoop datanode to 3, I run the command `docker-compose up --scale datanode=3`. But the resulting cluster still has only one datanode. Could you please...
Hello, Here are my two cents on cvxportfolio's constraint class: Some real world constraints are complex, Hence can not be represented as a single math expression form. Instead, we should...
OS: windows 10 python version: 3.5.2 I install it via `pip install libarchive-c `, here is the Error traceback: ``` (C:\Users\**\Miniconda3) C:\Users\**>python -c "import libarchive" Traceback (most recent call last):...