
Results 4 issues of Gu

my code: ``` [RACObserve(self.bookShelfView.collectionView, contentOffset) subscribeNext: ^(id value) { CGFloat offsetY = [value CGPointValue].y; @strongify(self); self.headerView.cycleScrollView.contentOffSet = [value CGPointValue]; //Other code }]; ``` The crash log: ``` An instance 0x10ca04200...

In BuildSetting , I configure "Other Link Flag" with "-fobjc-arc", and get the Error when build: /Applications/ unknown option character `f' in: -fobjc-arc

MyCode: button.badgeOriginX=30; button.badge=@"2"; if seems happend on "self.badgeOriginX = self.frame.size.width - self.badge.frame.size.width/2", in the badgeInit

I show MessageController by Code "" But in the Message Controller, conversation history could been seen . Is there any way to show the MessageController, without the conversation history, every...