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Pure Clojure/Script logging library

Results 18 timbre issues
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the code like this ``` (let [user-id 1 user_id 2] (timbre/info user-id user_id)) ``` but it outputs ``` Show: Project-Only All Hide: Clojure Java REPL Tooling Duplicates (42 frames hidden)...


Looks like ClojureScript doesn't like namespace segments starting with a digit. Might be time to move everything under a `community` namespace?

next breaking release

The following neatly formatted stack trace printed by Timbre shows no trace of my own code, which makes it useless for figuring out where an error is happening. ``` java.lang.Thread.run...


Adjust the log level for just one specific namespace seems to be non-trivial (unless I've missed a builtin function somehow): I currently have a single code block like: ``` (timbre/merge-config!...

pull requests welcome

One thing I've come to appreciate about the various Java logging frameworks is that they are capable of initializing themselves (generally from system properties and/or resources on the classpath) with...

pull requests welcome

Hi There, It would be great to let the user define a msg output format function to the logstash appender. https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/blob/master/src/taoensso/timbre/appenders/3rd_party/logstash.clj#L27 Thanks.

pull requests welcome
community appenders

During development it's super useful to do something like this: ```clojure (trace "database state" conn port host) ``` and get back: ```js console.group("database state") console.log("conn", conn) console.log("port", port) console.log("host", host)...

pull requests welcome
ideas welcome

Something like this https://github.com/cloojure/tupelo/blob/master/src/cljc/tupelo/misc.cljc#L468

pull requests welcome

Is anybody working on a file appender that GZIPs old files to save space? If not I'd like to add that feature to [taoensso.timbre.appenders.3rd-party.rolling](https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre/blob/master/src/taoensso/timbre/appenders/3rd_party/rolling.clj).

pull requests welcome
community appenders