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Pure Clojure/Script logging library

Results 18 timbre issues
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If you want I can make a PR for this: https://github.com/borkdude/who-follows-me/blob/master/src/who_follows_me/sentry.clj#L17

pull requests welcome

Many appenders (need to?) open files/sockets on demand as a side-effect of the first message (http, databases, etc.), but usually there seems to be no way to close them properly....

design needed
ideas welcome

In ClojureScript, Chrome Developer Tools shows that Timbre logs originate from a line within `taoensso.timbre.appenders.core/console-?appender` because that is where `console.log`|`warn`|`error` is called. It would be great if logs showed the...

pull requests welcome
ideas welcome

CljDoc is a popular single source of docs for clojure libraries, integrated with desktop doc viewers such as Dash. Thus it would be very nice if it could also display...

pull requests welcome
ideas welcome

- [ ] Update to use [Telemere](https://www.taoensso.com/telemere) core - [ ] Import Telemere's out-the-box SLF4J provider - [ ] Import Telemere's `clojure.tools.logging` implementation

next breaking release

I recently upgraded Timbre and Tufte (as I use `lein-ancient` as part of my release scripting) and was surprised to discover a runtime failure on deployment. Local running is fine,...

https://github.com/babashka/nbb ``` Welcome to nbb v1.0.136! user=> (require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer-macros [info]]) "Error: Could not find namespace: goog.i18n.DateTimeFormat" ```

pull requests welcome

The docs say: "Note that both :min-level and :ns-filter can also be easily overridden on a per-appender basis." and I'm using a :min-level like: ``` {:min-level [[#{"my.namespace"} :debug] [#{"*"} :debug]]]...
