## 1. Create a file with python pandas ```python dataframe = pandas.DataFrame({ "A": ["a", "b", "c", "d"], "B": [2, 3, 4, 1], "C": [10, 20, None, None] }) dataframe.to_parquet("1.parquet") ```...
the error is exception recovered: reflect.StructOf: field 0 has invalid name at `ompluscator/[email protected]/builder.go:192` [export.csv](https://github.com/rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go/files/8399584/export.csv)
Feature request to Support press and hold CMD key to enable cursor support temporarily
### Description Sometimes I want to create `ClickEvent` to execute commands, and I don't want them show up in suggestions. It's there a way to create hidden subcommands that will...
方便项目的内网 hosts,可以共享整个文件夹给每一位开发
Checklist: * [X] I've searched in the docs and FAQ for my answer: https://bit.ly/argocd-faq. * [X] I've included steps to reproduce the bug. * [X] I've pasted the output of...
### Information This PR fixes #3065. ### Details This is an upstream bug. This PR doesn’t fix it but rather avoids triggering it. **Proposed fix:** Slots 35 ~ 40 refer...
因为有时候不仅仅是浏览器访问,也可能是 ssh 之类的访问,并且本来本机上可能也有科技软件。希望可以增加 OpenVPN 选项。