In fact,` "\xEF\xBB\xBF"` is used to mark that this is a UTF-8 file, without it then Windows will uses the locale encoding(which is `GBK` for China) for decoding
> I will test the branch later, but i am wondering why not name struct fields by index such as `Z1`, `Z2` `Z3`. It's necessary to give names base on...
是不是用了 spring-boot-maven-plugin,降一下版本到 2.7.3 即可
> 可参考 [官方文档](https://www.yuque.com/powerjob/guidence/problem) 中的 2.1 非局域网通信 章节 试过了,但是 server 端提示 ``` Dropping Handshake Request from [akka://[email protected]:27777#2325164695716419550] addressed to unknown local address [akka://[email protected]:10010]. Local address is [akka://[email protected]:32004]. Check that the sending...
Recently, I also used the openInventory provided by Bukkit to access another player's inventory and has this same issue. However, I've identified the cause: The player's inventory has a total...
> Hey thanks for letting us know - we'll take a look (or if you like, feel free to make a PR yourself with the proposed fix). Hey, hello! Has...