> In the release notes: > > ``` > [v1.6.0](https://github.com/xitongsys/parquet-go/releases/tag/v1.6.0) > Big changes in the type. Not compatiable with before. > ``` > > I may need to update package...
It seems the problem solved, I should close this issue
> Maybe you directly imported `"github.com/rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go/imports"` without importing `"github.com/rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go"`. Since there is no `go.mod` file inside `github.com/rocketlaunchr/dataframe-go/imports` directory, it just downloaded and used the latest version of `parquet-go` Here is...
> You shouldn't have done the last 2 `go gets` since they don't have a `go.mod` file so it just assumed the latest version hence: `go: upgraded github.com/xitongsys/parquet-go v1.5.2 =>...
No problem reading the file with encoding `UTF-8-BOM`. And No errors exporting to parquet, but can NOT read back the parquet file. ```go func TestUTF8CSV(t *testing.T) { fr, err :=...
> Can you read it back if python? I don't think so, cause idea plugin `Big Data Tools` show `Nothing to show` and here is my python scripts out: ```...
> I wonder when you used the pull-request branch, it is using the latest (incompatible) version of the parquet parsing package? I am sure I am using `github.com/xitongsys/parquet-go v1.5.2` and...
> Can got provide your code too ```go var ctx = context.Background() func main() { //c := config.Config.Server //web.Server.SetAddr(c.GetAddress() + ":" + strconv.Itoa(int(c.GetPort()))) //web.Server.Run() exportParquet("export.parquet", readCSV("export.csv")) } func readCSV(filepath string)...
> Your column names are: > > ``` > > > 编号 | 年龄 | 性别 | 地区 | 身高cm | 体重kg | 肺活量 | 舒张压 | 收缩压 | 心率...