@SergeKu I ran into the same problem and fixed it with the following code carbone/lib/builder.js after line 728 _code.add('main', that.getFormatterString(_getSafeValue, '_str', 'context', _formatters, existingFormatters, true)); // check number format _code.add('main',...
> > @SergeKu I ran into the same problem and fixed it with the following code > > After I've done several tests I could say that in my case...
> I'm having the same issue, and i can't manage to make it work with your solution. Why i need number is because i want to generate graph on calc...
> well i dont know what i'm doing wrong, i did exactly the same correction in builder.js, and didn't forget to :formatN() but, calc still get a string in cells...
please merge this PR