sorry for the many questions, because I could not get through the code. How do you get ROC about 0.879? What are the details inside the function area_under_curve? I suppose...
I have this (https://imgur.com/cBwr366), which shows the result of the query. But when I try this (https://imgur.com/fwCFuop) , it fails, why? The data is generated from this book, Guide to...
I am trying to access another database from CosmosDB, but get the below error: Message: {"Errors":["The collection cannot be accessed with this SDK version as it was created with newer...
https://dotnetfalconcontent.blob.core.windows.net/linqpad-cosmosdb-driver/v1-0-0-0/AzureDocumentDbDriver.lpx I have downloaded the above driver, and it works perfectly on my office PC, with LINQPAD version 5. However, when I come back home to do the same identical...
Hello Julia Silge, Thank you for your notes on PCA with tidymodels. I have a few questions: a) First, we must tell the recipe() what’s going on with our model...