Trond Nordheim
Trond Nordheim
Having the operator generate the password if the secret its configured with does not contain a `ROOT_PASSWORD` would be great; we use Kustomize to deploy our workloads (including MySQL clusters)...
> Not sure what the fix is yet.. but that is why it is broken Yeah I just took a crack at this too. I guess one option is to...
> Hi @tanordheim , deleted files are already being discovered by git diff, however, we fail to map them to a project due to the project not having the deleted...
Tags would be good except you cannot put tags on paths; I'd ideally want paths related to `feat1` and `feat2` to be defined inside those specs. The way I solve...
Some issue with this setup that I just encountered, is if a path has query string parameters. This causes the `ServerInterface` in `cmd/api/` to reference a `*Params`-type for the handler...