colab has deactivated GUI ,you can deactivate the relative function of OPENCV or just simply set OPENCV 0 when you make.
check the train_batch0.jpg and test_batch0.jpg to see if you prepair the data right
Hi , https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iOsNqQSNanTrbtNYQ5WNSZyxtXHZfjfZ it's trained from scratch and for 150000 batches only,mAP 60 on VOC, more training steps are required. Training with pretrained weights on classification sets would be a...
这一步只是把bn weight置零了,结构还是原来的,bias的激活值也还没转移,只是先测试下初步效果;bias处理在后面的prune_model_keep_size2里,会先将bias的激活偏移值传给后来层,再把它置零。
the pt does not match the cfg
Hi ,which device did you test on ? the speed varies in different device. But it's at least 3x faster than darknet according to my test.