Tan, Long
Tan, Long
Oh, that is a more reasonable plan! I am working on a Python project related to Stanford Parser and Tregex, and I was trying to move to CoreNLP server (through...
(This comment is not related to the issue. Skip it.) That's so great! The project I mentioned has been using Stanford Parser as the constituency parser to keep its output...
Another reference manager [Jabref](https://docs.jabref.org/) takes a BibTeX file as input and makes the citation and bibliography super customizable through a [style file](https://docs.jabref.org/cite/openofficeintegration#the-style-file). I think having a similar flexible-style-file functionality would...
I made a little change to the code, and it seems to resolve the problem. However, I am not sure whether this change will introduce any new unknown issues. Hi...
I encountered the same problem. Is there a solution now?
I am sorry but I might not have fully understand what you are trying to do (I am not a native speaker), are you reimplementing tregex in Python? Two kinds...
Oh, I get it now! I am writing a program to count frequencies of a few syntactic structures. Recently I am moving the dependencies of it from the standalone Stanford...
Yes, I think a Java solution works for me if I can directly send parsed trees to `https://localhost:9000/tregex`.
Thanks for the detailed reply! I really appreciate it! > You wouldn't need to use the Stanza models to make use of the Stanza server interface. Oops. In that case,...
OK! That's so nice of you!