Tanguy Compagnon
Tanguy Compagnon
We suffer from the same issue, it seems to come from the structure of the model (number of ops): for now we tried reducing the number of layers and it...
We think we found a workaround but we're still not sure it's viable: we tried transforming our keras models to the old (tf1 format) frozen model that we then re...
> Hello @tanguycdls Thank you again for your help. Did you find any proper solution ? Yours does not work for us as it raise another exception. We still use...
Hello ! +1 for that issue, We migrated from Torch to Tensorflow and we're also missing the EmbeddingBag op https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.nn.EmbeddingBag.html that takes as input a ragged input instead of a...
@bhack @shkarupa-alex are you still interested by this ? if it's the case we can open a pr and discuss if it should be a new op or an improvement...
Hi thanks for the prompt answer ! Sorry I did not search enough before sending the issue. About the limitation of the input data to Arrow Tables of ListArray of...
``` import numpy as np import pyarrow as pa import numpy as np import pyarrow as pa from tensorflow_data_validation.statistics import stats_options as options from apache_beam.io.filesystem import CompressionTypes import apache_beam as...
> one caveat to that solution is that your original columns must not contain null (nil, None, etc). Hi thanks for your answer indeed my dataframe was already null safe...
Hi @brills I'm still struggling with the null handling. An easy way of doing this would be to convert to pandas and retrieve the null mask but it would really...
Hi, i worked a bit on the pyarrow side today: actually List Array does not have a mask parameter in the from_arrays function? are you running w/ a nightly version...