i test the reid model 'ckpt.t7' on Market1501 but only got mAP: 24.8% , can you share your test result ? @ZQPei
@ifzhang i read your paper and i decide to train the model on my own backbone. refer to your paper you just train 10 epochs and you can get prettey...
how to deal with machine-generated labels of openimages ?
hi,i test VFocalLoss in yolov5,but not getting improvment. did you have done some test about yolov5 ? or any suggestion ? thank your ~ class VFocalLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, loss_fcn, gamma=2.0,...
感谢你分享的代码,有个问题想和你讨论下。 我看到你推理的代码是 outputs_1,outputs_2,outputs_3,_,_,_,_,_,_= model(input_img) outputs = torch.cat((outputs_1,outputs_2,outputs_3),1) 这里 outputs_1,outputs_2,outputs_3 在训练的时候经过分类器分别进行了单独的监督。但是为什么你认为在推理的时候3个特征concat起来效果就好呢?类似的尝试我也试过,好像concat起来并没有什么显著效果。请问你这里的出发点或者依据是什么?
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