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Results 462 skill-icons issues
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### Skill Name Arc Browser ### Why? It's gaining populatiry among developers, as it's a great replacement for Chrome. ### Reference Image ![146759a81b5d69235254f6396b19dd6e93d7d3a6](

icon suggestion

### Skill Name QMK ### Why? This is a popular mechanical keyboard firmware and its fun ### Reference Image [QMK Docs](

icon suggestion

### Skill Name Spark, delta lake, airflow ### Why? its popular with data engineer... other skills are airflow, delta lake... which also u can add.. ### Reference Image spark:

icon suggestion

### Skill Name Insomnia, Swagger, DBeaver ### Why? Those skills are very popular and would be nice be able to add them on my READMEs. ### Reference Image ![image]( ![image](

icon suggestion

### Skill Name digitalocean ### Why? DigitalOcean simplifies cloud computing so builders can spend more time creating software that changes the world. ### Reference Image _No response_

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### Skill Name Datadog ### Why? This is one of the most popular choices for observability solutions in enterprise companies. ### Reference Image ![Datadog_logo svg](

icon suggestion

### Skill Name FilamentPHP ### Why? FilamentPHP is one of best full stack application builder of the moment. In really could be a good addition to icons collection ### Reference...

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### Skill Name Mojo ### Why? It's a Python alternative with growing support. ### Reference Image ![Mojo](

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### Skill Name podman, Redhat, SUSE ### Why? Podman is a popular containerization tool by Redhat Redhat - popular enterprise Linux operating system SUSE - popular enterprise Linux operating system...

icon suggestion

### Skill Name Groovy ### Why? It's the cool child of java and python. ### Reference Image

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