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Results 462 skill-icons issues
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### Skill Name Framer-Motion, GSAP ### Why? Animation Library like Framer-Motion, GSAP are widely used for animations I have personally seen many websites (like strapi, portfolios) to have used above...

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### Skill Name GSAP ### Why? JavaScript animation library for the modern web ### Reference Image ![GSAP](

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### Skill Name ElasticSearch ### Why? It's a widely used full-text search and analytics engine. [Offical Website]( ### Reference Image ![elastic-logo](

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### Skill Name lunacy ### Why? It's free design app, alternative to Figma. Also popular to web designers. ### Reference Image ![lunacy](

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### Skill Name Sentry ### Why? It's popular for error detection and logging. ### Reference Image ![sentry-glyph-dark-400x367](

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### Skill Name Windows ### Why? It's popular as an OS. ### Reference Image ![microsoft-windows-22](

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### Skill Name Bulma ### Why? Popular CSS Framework ### Reference Image ![BulmaCSS](

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### Skill Name Three.js ### Why? It's a JavaScript 3D library to make 3D content for the web ### Reference Image ![Three js_Icon](

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### Skill Name Slack ### Why? Messaging app ### Reference Image ![5cb480cd5f1b6d3fbadece79](

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### Skill Name Hashnode ### Why? Blogging community for developers and people in tech ### Reference Image

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