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Results 462 skill-icons issues
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### Skill Name Jira ### Why? Jira Software supports any agile project management methodology for software development that your team might need. From agile planning to fully customizable Kanban and...

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### Skill Name Tekla ### Why? Tekla software solutions for structural engineering are driving the BIM revolution. We´re committed to improving digital construction information workflows to give our customers a...

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### Skill Name EDA Playground ### Why? EDA Playground gives engineers immediate hands-on exposure to simulating and synthesizing SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, C++/SystemC, and other HDLs. All you need is a...

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### Skill Name Fritzing ### Why? Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website...

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### Skill Name Tinkercad ### Why? Tinkercad is a free-of-charge, online 3D modeling program that runs in a web browser. Since it became available in 2011 it has become a...

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### Skill Name Gleam ### Why? Gleam is a new programming language that will probably become very popular. ### Reference Image ![image](

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### Skill Name D Programming Language ### Why? D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax. With the D Programming Language, write fast, read...

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### Skill Name Sql Server Manager ### Why? its is basic and widely used ### Reference Image ![smss-logo](

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### Skill Name Adobe Aero ### Why? Adobe Aero is the most intuitive way to build, view, and share robust immersive storytelling experiences in mobile AR. Available on iOS and...

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Added icons for Python Streamlit, Pandas, Numpy, Matlplotlib, Langchain and Gradio libraries.