
Results 9 issues of tan5251

My digestion enzyme is AluI. Its respective cut sites is AG^CT. What should I enter on the "LIGATION_SITE" in the config-hicpro.txt. Thanks.

The susScr11 cannot be find in the genomes list. Please add it. I suggest the genomes should be more flexible and not be limited in your list. Thanks advanse!

My data is 150PE. But the median framgent size in some samples is bigger to 100000. It really confuse me. Is it normal and why it happen ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It...

Hi, for paired-end bam, before i transform the bam files to bedpe, should i remove the unproperly paired reads in the bam files? Because i see only properly paired read...

How can I determine the gap size? My ChIP-seq data is H3K27me3 modification that is a typical broad peaks. I plan to set the gap size to 5. Is it...

Hi. I had used the method named "epic-effective" to calculate effective genome size ("https://www.biostars.org/p/185948/). My data is paired-end 150bp and species is Sus. Our final results is 0.9720847535129595. Is it...

My species is pig that not annotated with centromeres information. My code is : EDL

how to create CS_discovery object when using extrenal compartment results?

Is this package only counts the unique mapped reads in the setp "ORFcount"?