Yohei Tamura
Yohei Tamura
The following items are expired. - Redis architecture - Memcached architecture
related: #12 The link in the following line seems expired. https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer/blame/master/README.md#L611
feature request: Sentencepiece is the tokenizer used in XLNet. I think if `Language` tokenize text with `sentencepiece`, the alignment process can be skipped and it make model efficient.
I want to customize `Doc.tensor` property by `user_hooks` like `Doc.vector`, because sometimes calculation of the tensor is expensive (e.g. [tok2vec pipe in spacy-transformers](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-transformers/blob/378d6aa9c33acaf8970e607733b85f83bf8a61f5/spacy_transformers/pipeline/tok2vec.py#L197))
I can `mine` even if the `current_transactions` list is empty. It generates a block that has only a reward transaction. Is this a correct? Or, should be the mining prohibited...
I think it is great to add a test to [this section](https://rust-unofficial.github.io/too-many-lists/first-drop.html) to cause stack overflow before implementing our own `Drop`.
it has been changed since `dirs>=3.0.0` (ref: https://github.com/dirs-dev/dirs-rs/commit/887e2ae55eef326bd3c0b5080e28acd9b9073490)
はじめまして。Rust bookの日本語版のページを実験的に日本語検索に対応させてみました。(Chromeのみ) https://tamuhey.github.io/book-ja/ mdbookの検索機能をtinysearchとrust-icuで置き換えて作成しました。(詳細:https://qiita.com/tamurahey/items/8db20ae0b1931c96d54a) https://doc.rust-jp.rs/book-ja/ に導入すると便利かと思うのですが、いかがでしょう?