Tamir Shomer
Tamir Shomer
You have Contacts in your phone that don't have a phone number. If you only want to get contacts that have phone numbers, change your query to: `Query q =...
If you run the query you've written in your first comment, you will get contacts without phone numbers. If you add hasPhoneNumber() to the query, you shouldn't get contacts without...
Added phoneNumber field in 1.1.0 On API >= 16 you should have both phoneNumber and normalizedPhoneNumber.
Fixed in 0.9.3
Removed solution in 0.9.16 (Caused other problems.)
1. ContactID already exists in InternalFields. If you need it in regular fields, you should remove it from Internal. 2. Why do you use org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable and not android.support.annotation.Nullable? 3. I...
Not without extending it.
It's a work in progress, but I didn't have time to work on it in a while. It's not yet ready for general use, and not been tested. But the...
No longer maintained. I'm using https://github.com/Polidea/RxAndroidBle myself.
The library queries the ContactsContract.Data join table. If there's a delay between the time you create a contact and that table being updated, it's out of my hands. Try querying...