Raul Tambre

Results 43 issues of Raul Tambre

My big project uses the `ExternalProject` CMake feature to download third-party libraries, e.g. spdlog, nlohmann json, imgui. Unfortunately all of their headers show up with IntelliSense squigglies despite compiling fine...


Currently `CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR` is used for the installation, e.g. `/usr/lib/x86-64-linux-gnu`. However, for arch-independent packages the files should go into `/usr/lib` (`${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib`).


`module-info.java` requires Java 9 so the `source` should be specified as `9`. ``` Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.0.1:jar (default-cli) on project invokebinder: MavenReportException: Error while generating Javadoc: Exit code: 1...

Using Node 12.6.0: ``` > npx icomoon-build --css -p .\res\icons.json --fonts dist/ internal/fs/utils.js:426 throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(propName, ['string', 'Buffer', 'URL'], path); ^ TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be one of...

The site is missing IPv6 support and thus is inaccessible to people on IPv6-only networks. Furthermore, people on dualstack IPv6-optimized networks will experience slower connections than they would with IPv6...

No AAAA records are returned: ``` # dig cdn.socket.io AAAA +short d2vgu95hoyrpkh.cloudfront.net. ``` Since the CDN endpoint seems to use CloudFront, fixing this should be as easy as [enabling IPv6...

[The remotes callbacks sample](https://libgit2.org/docs/guides/101-samples/#remotes_callbacks) uses `git_transfer_progress` and `git_fetch_options::progress` which have been removed.

The site is inaccessible over IPv6.

The site is inaccessible over IPv6. Albeit not officially supported by GitHub Pages, it can be easily fixed by adding 2a04:4e42::403 as the AAAA record.

### Description The OpenNIC website is inaccessible over IPv6. ### Steps to reproduce 1. Try to load OpenNIC website over IPv6 (or on an IPv6-only connection). **Expected behavior:** The website...