Tamas Gal
Tamas Gal
That's weird, it seems that the basket reading is somehow messed up. Is it possible to upload the file somewhere? I'll try to find some time to investigate...
Yep sure `;)`
Thanks! Do you happen to have also the other file with the zlib-error?
OK I see, so for now I will have a look at this `TBasket` thing ;) UnROOT is currently an experimental package and I made it work with files from...
Now I see the second file "Ob2XicKK_tree.root" in your CERN box, it was not there before `;)`
I have no real progress yet, I suspect that it might be something related to the compression library I use. I will do a side-by-side comparison with `uproot`.
OK, so it seems that we need to keep track of the `TBaskets` when they appear out of nowhere (I am thinking about caching just the location and the key)....
Indeed, the pure Julia equivalent would be completely different. In the example above, there are many high-level cuts (btw. the string-evaluation-style coding is really awful for clarity) which do multiple...
> No, if df is a RDataFrame, then there is no many loops nor many instantiations of temporary datasets. Single loop and no large temporaries. Ah OK, sorry for my...
Sorry for the very late response, I was on holidays and then had a lot of teaching to do. As @aminnj wrote, the `GetStreamerInfo()` is very helpful but I also...