Tamas Gal
Tamas Gal
OK thanks!
I guess you have to follow the advise and create a special route for that. This repository is fairly old (more than 6 years) and all those dependencies have evolved...
Just an update of the documentation URLs: - the weights types: https://juliastats.org/StatsBase.jl/stable/weights/ - the weighted `mean`, `var` and `std` using these: https://juliastats.org/StatsBase.jl/stable/scalarstats/
I'll have a look. Still unsure how this should look like from the user API's perspective ;)
Can you please assign this to me?
Hmm, that `ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: fieldtypes not defined` in Julia 1.0 is annoying, not sure how to get around it yet...
Alright, `fieldtype` is there...
Not sure about the AppVeyor error though, I have no idea about Windows stuff.
I am currently trying to get something like `@with_kw @stack Baz Foo Bar` to work but no success yet. This is actually something which I would need too 😉
Yes I was unsure about the naming, I thought stacks is ok as reference to stacking cups, but no idea 🙈 Here are some ideas: - `@highball` - `@mash` -...