
Results 8 issues of talpa

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It is posible make components snapshots for current project like php composer?

I tried make terraform-install and result is ``` cd k8s \ kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.3.1/cert-manager.crds.yaml \ terraform init \ terraform apply \ terraform output -raw templates | kubectl apply...

Hi I try test prototool.yaml examle with my proto and I have this result for this import "google/api/annotations.proto"; thanks for help Ales

Hi great author:) **Dialect** - [ ] postgres how make filter for this window function?, for example SUM(adi.amount) FILTER (WHERE ad.document_status = 'pending') as unpaid_document_sum Thanks Ales


add please function exists **Dialect** - [x] postgres - [x] mysql - [x] sqlite3 **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.


I would like better management Limit, Offset via interface struct, for example via sqlizer. example func fnSqlizer(customLimit) squirrel.SqLizer{ return squirrel.Exp("LIMIT ?", 10) } selectBuilder.Limit(fnSqLizer(customLimit))

Blank subtask when I try open task with parent if task has attachments( pictures )