Add SCnorm/quantile normalization.
Use normalizeExprs() function in scater in deal with confounders section (should be the same as glm).
error in calc_cpm function in 3.14.3
Add cyclone for cell-cycle analysis/regression?
Add "Truth" section to beginning of Bio Analysis chapter discussing the data and expectations. (Fix cell-type labels for TE & ICM). - Move FS to before clustering.
Clustering for rare cell-types
Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data - Tue 31 Oct 2017 Questions for the Presenters: There are several recent articles aimed at addressing the large quantity of zeros that appear...
Package now in Beta: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/lifesci/research/libinorm/
The package uses a one-sided test for High Dropout Genes, this means that p-values close to 1 are extreme low dropout outliers, and p-values close to 0.5 are "normal" looking...