Currently when dismissing the tooltip the overlay view is not removed from the parent view, when trying to show it again the code tries to add the view to the...
i'm showing the tooltip on (x,y) coordinates, when the target moves i want to move the tooltip. how do you recommend doing that?
I noticed hain is written in react, i want ro return a preview with react, i can render an iframe i guess an bundle my own version of react ,...
hey, i'm getting some weird behavior with enabling notifications. i'm developing an app that needs to connect to a ble peripheral automatically, i scan, find the device then bond with...
i'm trying to run this on .net 4.6.1 and getting this error: ``` System.MissingMethodException occurred HResult=0x80131513 Message=Method not found: 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 System.Linq.Enumerable.Prepend(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1, !!0)'. Source=Nexogen.Libraries.Metrics.Extensions StackTrace: at Nexogen.Libraries.Metrics.Extensions.Buckets.BucketGenerator.Buckets(Double[] bounds) at Nexogen.Libraries.Metrics.BucketExtensions.Buckets(IHistogramBuilder builder,...
Our sfctl application upload command takes around 20 minutes, i see compression is supported in powershell but not in sfctl, why is that?
I'm trying to issue a sfctl replica remove command to *gracefully* restart my stateless service process. when using this command: ``` sfctl replica remove --node-name mynodename --partition-id mypartitionid --replica-id myinstanceid...
right now the value of the redlock key is just a secure random id. when not able to acquire a lock its useful to be able to know who is...
according to the docs here :http://redux.js.org/docs/advanced/Middleware.html a middleware is a function with this signature: `const middleWare = store => next => action => { return next(action) }` the current implementation...
progressbar.js can use arbitrary svgs as progress bars, this is missing here, would be cool to have this. can't use this lib since it doesnt support it....